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Theater Lights


Baraboo Theatre Guild Show Proposal Requirements

To propose a show for the upcoming Baraboo Theatre Guild season, please provide the following information:

• Show Name and Synopsis


• Show Preference:
o Fall Musical
o Winter Show
o Spring Show

• Production Team
o Director and Producer required (per BTG policy, the director or producer may not perform in the show)
other positions such as Stage Manager, Costumer, Set Designer, Set Builder, Sound/Lights, Choreographer, etc. are encouraged, but not required for the proposal to be considered

• Cast Requirements

• Any Unusual Needs

o set requirements, special costumes, special props, etc.

• Any unusual budget considerations
o For example, Little Shop of Horrors requires budgeting for plant rental

Proposals will be reviewed and the season finalized at the April board meeting.
If your show is scheduled for the season, BTG Board Members will work with you to create a complete show budget.

If you have any questions or to submit a proposal, email!

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